Icon Learn more about how you can assist in Jreamwriter's effort to combat juvenile delinquency and childhood suicide with The Jreamwriter Young Global Citizens Program


FILM-COM Nashville
Jreamwriter® takes Jreamwriter®'s BENT to FILM-COM Nashville

Jreamwriter's - Bent Film Project Coming Spring 2014
Jreamwriter's 1st Film project! Visit the gallery page of this website for movie teasers and behind the scenes photos of the highly anticipated, Jrea

"BENT" Domestic Violence Film Project News
Jreamwriter®'s - "BENT" | Screenings Coming Spring 2014

My Books

The 4th Watch & The Unction of the HOLY GHOST

On pre-sale for the Holiday Season! Pre-order your copy of this extraordinary book today! All pre-orders (advance release purchases made before December 28, 2016) will receive FREE VIP tickets to Apostle David E. Taylor's Annual Event, One Night with the King.

The 4th Watch & The Unction of the Holy Ghost is a supernatural, Holy Spirit inspired book of teachings, prayers, Psalms, Scripture exaltations and revelations that will bless you and prepare you to understand, receive and embrace the supernatural love and experiences of YHVH, the Father, the Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ of Nazareth and the Holy Ruach Ha’Kodesh, Holy Ghost.

Millions upon millions of people are being stirred in their spirits. All around the world people from all wakes of life are being hearkened in the dark hours of the morning, unable to sleep. Many are having jreams, visions and supernatural experiences, extraordinary phenomenas of which they cannot humanly explain. Many are seeking the Lord, but in a world satan where has vilified God's judgements, testimonies, commandments, and moreover His enduring love, many souls simply don't know God, don't believe God is real and have no true idea on how to go about praying and receiving the salvation of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. To this end, witchcraft, evil principalities and luciferian dark forces are lurking here and there, attacking the Body of Christ with the sole intent of stealing, killing and destroying God's beloved children. And, yet there's a light in the darkness beaming - a "knowing" - an "unction" breaking forth all over the world sounding the alarm of deliverance, salvation, redemption and restoration. The Elect are INDEED rising, and you need to know, beloved, that you are YHVH's chosen army. If you are holding this book in your hands and you can't sleep at night, and your soul is wondering why, maybe God is trying to tell you something. And, by the Power of the Holy Spirit, this book will show you the key to understanding your Kingdom purpose and destiny is WISDOM and it's already inscribed in your heart - John 2:20.

May this Holy Ghost inspired reading bless you greatly.


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The Rainbow

Through the Eyes of A Closet Homosexual's Wife


Kyleena forces readers to examine the two most influential men in her life; her loyal, eccentric, and openly gay best friend, Gerry, verses her latest husband, Alex, who misrepresents his sexuality in a manner that has afforded him the ability to hide his debased character behind spirituality, ministry, marriage, and family. However, at some point, what goes on in the dark does eventually come to light...

Kyleena forces readers to examine the two most influential men in her life; her loyal, eccentric, and openly gay best friend, Gerry, verses her latest husband, Alex, who misrepresents his sexuality in a manner that has afforded him the ability to hide his debased character behind spirituality, ministry, marriage, and family. However, at some point, what goes on in the dark does eventually come to light...

Applied in the field and study of social work this book addresses the signs and co-morbidities associated with two often under-addressed, under-acknowledged, and routinely minimized, facets of domestic violence, psychological and spiritual abuse; conditions, if left untreated, can precursor the manifestations of mental and physical breakdowns statistically linked to depression, substance abuse, poor health & eating habits, abortion & miscarriage, and suicide.

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